February and March were full of trips, but now that it’s April I’m getting to spend some quality time back home in Philly – I love Philly in the Spring!! I’ve been training the Broad Street 10-mile run on May 5th, it’s the largest 10-mile run in the country, more than 40,000 runners!! I’ll be wearing a Camp Canadensis shirt, so maybe I’ll find some camp alumni along the way. The picture below was taken a few weeks ago in Rittenhouse Square, one of the best parks in Philly. Annie (the dog) and I loved hanging out with camp friends!
2012 Staff Members: Rachel Waxman (Evening Activities), Mel Taube (Photography) and Sam Ginsburg (Operations/Annie’s favorite baby sitter)
One of the highlights of the camp “off season” each year is the American Camp Association Tri-State Conference in nearby Atlantic City. There are so many wonderful aspects to this large gathering of camp professionals. We get to attend courses that help make each summer better and better – plus we find great resources in the exhibit hall! Here are some photos from Tri-State 2013…
Jim Cain is my favorite presenter and Author, Eric won his new book of games by spinning a wheel!
How fun is this lycra tube?? A fun idea for small group games from Jim Cain!
For the first time this year, they offered an early morning 5K run on the Atlantic City Boardwalk. It was good training for my 10-mile run! Dave came to cheer me on despite the early start time and freezing temps!
We start planning out the gear and shirts we are going to order for camp each year…we love working with Kenn at Mr Dees Tees, and seeing the new shirt colors and designs!
A trip to London to hire International Staff took me a lot further from home, but it was a wonderful trip! We travel with Camp America, and we are one of nearly 40 camps that participate in a “job fair”. In one day, we have the chance to meet nearly 800 staff members – my mission is to find the best ones, and I’m so excited for you to meet them this summer!
Shane Dell and Bethany Freer are returning UK Staff Members, they were amazing help at the job fair, and we can’t wait to have them back at camp in 2013!!Former Group Leader, Lauren Berry is from Australia, but has been living in London for the past two years…it was SO wonderful seeing some of London with her!
Even though this was my 5th trip to London, I’ll never get tired of taking “cheesy” London pictures with my friend Julie.