Where is Camp Canadensis?
We are located in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, about 90 miles west of New York City and 100 miles north of Philadelphia. Camp Canadensis is a private independent camp, fully accredited by the American Camping Association.
How many staff are at camp and where do they come from?
We hire hundreds of staff each summer, of which most are college-age counselors that live in the bunks with our campers. Our staff comes from all over the United States, Canada and internationally from England, Australia, Scotland and South Africa to name a few.
What are the campers like?
We are a co-ed camp with campers ages 7-16 years old. Campers are grouped by school grade. All campers attend camp for 7 weeks and 90% of our campers return each summer. Our campers come from suburban Philadelphia, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Florida. Most campers are of the Jewish faith. However, Canadensis is not a religious affiliated camp and most of our staff comes from varied backgrounds.
What are the living arrangements like?
All cabins are modern and equipped with at least two showers, two toilets, two sinks, hot / cold water and electric outlets. All beds are twin size. Cabins consist of 8 to 12 campers and at least 3 counselors.
How much work is it, really?
Working at Canadensis is an 8-week commitment (typically from mid-June to mid-August). For all intents and purposes, this is a 24 hour job with little to no privacy. Being a counselor can be both physically and mentally demanding. But, the rewards and personal growth you will experience are unlike any other summer job.
What about staff training?
Counselors join us at camp one week prior to the campers’ arrival. During this time, staff will have the opportunity to learn camp’s philosophies, understand the daily schedule, create activity outlines, learn about the campers and meet all the staff.
Is there time off?
Staff members get five days off over the course of the summer. Days off are not cumulative and must be taken as scheduled. Days off begin at 7:30 pm and end at curfew the following night. Counselors may leave camp on their days off. Camp will provide transportation to a local bus stop on days off from those staff interested in going to places like New York City or Philadelphia. There are 3-4 nights off each week. Staff members are off at 9:45 pm until their 12:30 am curfew. Staff may leave camp on their nights off. Camp will provide transportation on select nights to places like Wal-Mart, bowling or the movies. Counselors are given one period off each day if possible. Counselors may not leave camp on their period off. Please note: Counselors can bring their own cars to camp for days and nights off. With this, we hope that counselors with cars are able to provide rides out of camp for staff that do not have cars.
What is the salary?
Salary offers are based on a camp scale that considers age, skill qualifications and previous camp or child-related experience. Room, board and laundry are provided by the camp free of charge. You may use individual staff laundry rooms for a charge. We would also be happy to help you with any college or internship credit, but this must be approved through each staff member’s college or university. There is a “no tipping” policy at Camp Canadensis.
What are some of the policies I should know?
Smoking is not permitted anywhere in camp. At no time should you ever bring alcohol or drugs into camp. And, at no time should any staff member return to camp under the influence of alcohol or drugs. These offenses will be subject to immediate dismissal. Please note the legal drinking age in Pennsylvania is 21 years old. Staff are not permitted to have their cell phones while they are on duty nor can they be in the cabins where they live. We provide staff with a locked mailbox for storage of their cell phones or staff may keep them in their cars. Staff can use their cell phones during off times in specific locations of camp.
Ready to apply? Fill out our Staff Application here!