Avery, Haley, Brittney and Ruby – all Lower Junior Girls
What a fun day! On Sunday, we welcomed many of our super fabulous and awesome new campers at a bowling party in North Jersey! The New Camper Bowling event is a great chance for campers to get to know each other, and we had families attend from states as far away as Maryland and Connecticut…we have the most dedicated Canadensis Parents ever! I wanted to upload a few photos from the event so you could get an idea of what we did, and you can see more photos by liking us on Facebook here.
I love a good game! I’m helping 2nd year Junior Girl, Jordan
After putting on our name tags on, we started playing “New Camper Bingo” which is a great ice breaker that helps campers meet each other. Each paper has a grid with 25 boxes that says things like…”Find a camper who…can do a cartwheel…has been to the top of the Empire State Building…has been in a show…can touch their tongue to their nose…etc”. The campers race to meet new kids and find people who fit the description so they can write them in the box.
We end New Camper Bingo with the campers showing off their skills
When the game wraps up, we all come together and have a good laugh. Then we break up into bowling lanes, and get to know even more campers! Between all the great people to meet and delicious pizza to eat, we actually don’t do that much bowling!! However, I did see a bunch of great strikes and spares on the lanes…
The last thing we do is take a group photo, so check out the great photos we took with our incoming campers!A HUGE thank to to all our staff & staff parents that were there for the day! We’ll be formally introducing you to our Canadensis family soon. An extra big thank you to Pete Tarnoff for always being willing to help!