Good day all from London England.
I flew here overnight with my brother and mom for a family get together with some extended relatives for the weekend. Back in the winter office Cara is busy helping to organize our alumni reunion while Matt is finalizing the buses for trips, getting prices on promotional material, and holding down the fort while I am travelling!
We are all looking forward to Pam joining our team on Nov 2nd! Speaking of pam, the other night, she and another camp employee from a day camp on nj organized a young camp professional get together. About 7 of us met in a restaurant in Philly and talked about our common love for camp. We have another date picked already for a larger get together, which will hopefully become a monthly thing. There are so many young camp people in Philly, but we have never gotten to know one another very well! I am looking forward to sharing ideas, learning about other camps, and of course bragging a little about canadensis!
Well I am to meet the queen of England- just kidding, the queen of the Forti family whomever that may be!