Last week, I spent some quality time with Devyn & Derek in Great Neck, NY. Devyn is a current 2nd grader, who will be a Lower Junior Girl for her first summer at camp. Big brother Derek is a current 5th grader, who will be an Upper Inter Boy coming to camp for his second summer. They both planned ahead for my visit, and greeted me at the door wearing camp gear – Devyn was wearing a Canadensis sweatshirt, and Derek was wearing the awesome t-shirt he made during tie-dye week at camp last year!
Devyn came to camp for the Tour & More Overnight this summer, and that’s when I first got a chance to know this spunky girl! During the home visit, we spent time talking about the best parts of the overnight at camp, and she is so excited to be able to spend a full summer enjoying the Canadensis fun! Devyn says that she is the “perfect mix” of both of her parents – she got her love of fashion from her mom, and her sporty side from her dad. She loves to play gaga, swim and she likes anything that is tie-dyed. During the year, she stays busy with after school activities – including dance classes 3 nights a week! She also makes time for gymnastics and tennis, and she is excited about doing those activities at camp. She’s excited for everything!
Her favorite food is pasta & cheese. This girl really takes her pasta seriously, and she even showed off a full drawer in her kitchen that is stocked for her! Her birthday is coming up on January 23rd, and because we are both born on the 23rd of the month, we share a mutual lucky number of 23! Since her half birthday will be during camp, she asked if she could have a pizza party on the back deck…but she understands those parties are only for “full” birthdays! Luckily, Visiting Day is only two days beforehand, so she can save a special snack to share with her bunk. Without a doubt, Devyn will be a fun girl to be bunkmates with – and she told me that she’s really good about applying sunscreen, so she’ll help all her camp friends remember too! We just have to work on her love of gum chewing because it’s not allowed at camp!
While I was hanging out with Derek, he was online reading the camp Twitter feed! He was excited to go through the camp clothing catalog that I dropped off and see pictures of his friends – he’s been seeing camp people a lot! He really appreciated the Camp Canadensis “Coca Cola” T-shirt I brought for him, and I even got to see him wearing it at the reunion a few days later while he was hanging out with friends.
Devyn & Derek have a perfect Color War winning streak so far – regardless of what camp they’ve been at, they’ve always been on the team that came out on top! Let’s hope they are on your team at camp this summer!!