Hello Canadensis…
As I sit here with just a few days remaining in 2014, I want to first wish everyone in the Camp Canadensis Family a very happy and healthy new year! This is the time when we tend to both look back at the year gone by and look forward to exciting things ahead. At Camp Canadensis, 2014 was a truly stellar year for all of us. When I remember the past summer, I think about how 2014 saw our largest group of CITs ever assembled at camp…50 CITs! In honor of them, for the first time in the history of camping, our Color War break included their parents to start the annual event. Since Summer ended, I have probably watched that video a handful of times and it still gives me goosebumps when I view it! That moment of this summer’s break will stick with me forever. Of course, there were so many other great memories, too, from a Revolutionary War Day which featured three teams (Red, White and Blue) for the very first time, great Spirit Days like wearing your PJs All Day, the water and shaving cream fight, the MTV Night Finals and the introduction of Snack Chats to camp are just a few of the many that come to mind. Of course, we will do our best to top it all in 2015. We have heard so many great and wonderful ideas from campers and staff and plans are already underway in putting our Summer calendar together.
This time of year is also when we think about New Year’s resolutions. Anyone have anything that they would like to accomplish in the upcoming 365 days?! One thing I’ve been thinking about is trying to blog more. I really enjoy reaching out to everyone in camp cyber-land and have some ideas for some new twists to our blogs. I’d also like to reach out to any camper or staff member or even parent that would like to Guest Blog on our site. If interested, please e-mail me at brian@canadensis.com.
In addition to all of the great planning going on at camp, a few weeks ago I got the chance to get away to a place I had been wanting to go for years. For my birthday this year, my wife Jaime surprised me with a December trip with my buddies to Nashville, TN and to attend the Giants-Titans football game. We had an amazing time! Nashville is a really fun city. Over the course of an extended weekend, we ate a lot of delicious food and barbecue and went to cool places like the Country Music Hall of Fame, the Johnny Cash Museum, Opryland and cruised the Broadway strip of Nashville (we even did a little line dancing with the locals). I’ll have to show off my new learned moves this summer at Rak Dan! Here are a few pictures…

Me and my friends at the Giants-Titans game in Nashville. We actually saw a Giants win, which was somewhat rare this season. Ha Ha!

This is what a Southern Breakfast looks like at a place called Monell’s. You don’t order. They just bring you big plates of food, including eggs, pancakes, biscuits, fried apples, bacon, sausage, country ham, cheesy grits, corn pudding, potatoes, fried chicken and cinnamon rolls. It was fantastic!

And this is what my breakfast looked like on another morning. French toast with Nutella and banana wrapped in a pancake!
This time of year also brings with it plenty of family holiday traditions. In our house, one of our favorites is building Gingerbread houses. Here is how ours came out this year…
As always, I’ve been busy seeing campers this month. Here’s an update of my trips to seeing camp families…
In Jericho, NY, I met up with 4th grade girl Maya Akiva, who will be joining us at Canadensis for her first summer as a Lower Inter Girl. This Fall, Maya played on a soccer team, the Jericho Heat. Now in Winter, she is playing on the Nets in the Jericho Athletic Association Basketball League. When at home, Maya loves to sing and dance. Her favorite singer these days is Ariana Grande. She also enjoys playing Tops Trumps card game as well as taking care of her pet fish and snails. When she gets to camp in June, she is really looking forward to canteen, all of the activities on the lake and making a whole bunch of new friends. Here is a picture.
In Merrick, NY, I spent some time getting to know Bradley Rowe, who is currently in the 5th grade. Bradley loves to play baseball and spends a lot of his time playing third base and catcher on his travel team, the Long Island Force. Bradley just started his basketball season and is looking forward to a successful season on his team the Cougars. He also enjoys playing flag football, making up games to play at home and bike riding in the neighborhood. As an Upper Inter Boy in Summer 2015, Bradley can’t wait to play baseball in the CBL, ride the Hondas / Quads and making new friends. Here is a photo…
In Lower Gwynned, PA, I hung out with Madi Schwartz, who will be an Upper Junior in 2015 as she is currently in the 3rd grade. Madi loves to dance and she is rehearsing for her big recital in the Spring where she will be performing routines in hip hop, ballet, lyrical and tap. In March, Madi will also be performing in the production of “Annie”. In the Fall, Madi was on two soccer teams, the Whitpain Wind and the Green Gators. When at home, Madi likes to do arts and crafts, listen to music, watch movies and cooking shows on the Food Network. When camp time rolls around, she is super ready to meet new people and tray all of the activities in the lake and pool. Here is a pic…
In Lower Gwynned, PA, I also got to see Sydney Salin, who is currently in the 2nd grade. Sydney takes gymnastics lessons at the Little Gym and she told me that she enjoys the floor exercises and routines the best. Sydney plays on a soccer team, the Sharks. She also really enjoys arts and crafts, likes to draw, play cards games like Uno and board games like Monopoly as well as surf the web on You Tube and play video games such as Minecraft. As a Lower Junior in Summer 2015, Sydney is very excited about the Water Trampoline, Woodworking, the Zipline, Waterskiing and the Water Slides. Here is a photo…
In Livingston, NJ, I enjoyed meeting 2nd grade boy and 2015 Lower Junior Steven Marlin. Steven is currently involved taking piano lessons and doing Crossfit training. He also enjoys this time of year because it means he can go skiing. When at home, Steven enjoys watching TV shows and movies. Some of his favorite shows are “How It’s Made” and “Factory Made.” These days, his favorite movie is “Spaceballs.” When I asked Steven what he is looking forward to in his first summer at camp, Steven gave me a whole bunch of activities, including Tennis, Mountain Biking, Sailing, Ice Mountain, Pottery, all the Lake Activities, Woodworking, Rocketry, Canteen and Horseback Riding. Here is a pic…
It seems like the month of December was a great time for camp friends to see each other as well. Here are some great pictures that were sent to me over the past few weeks…

2015 Freshman Girls Julie Pulewitz, Joey Dallow and Dani Pritikin spent some time hanging out a few weeks ago.

2015 Upper Senior Girl Marlee Krasin celebrated her Bat Mitzvah recently and took some time to show this custom-made Canadensis sign with younger sister and 2015 Upper Junior Girl Ava Krasin. Congratulations, Marlee!

Girls Bunk 10 from Summer 2014 met up at Rebounderz in Edison, NJ for a day of fun. Here is a great montage of shots from that day!

Here is a mini reunion that took place while on vacation in Florida that included the Beydas, the Zibelmans, the Kilmans and the Schwartzes.
On a final blog note, a lot of times, I always get the question from jealous parents who ask, “Can the parents come to camp?” Traditionally, their kids always tell them, “No! Camp is for us!” Ha Ha! Well, that didn’t stop Craig and Danielle Nurick, whose daughters attend Canadensis (much to their jealousy), from getting in on the camp spirit. In fact, back in October, they let me know that they dressed up for Halloween 2014 as this past year’s Color War teams. Here is a great photo they sent me…

Danielle Nurick was Varsity Blue and Craig Nurick was Honor Roll Gold for Halloween this year! Love when parents get in on the camp spirit!
Well, that’s all of the blogging for 2014! Can’t wait to see everyone in the New Year! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE!
Have a great day!