Hello Canadensis!
Its Mike Lindquist from the Great Pacific Northwest. I am up at school at the University of Oregon finishing my last few classes before I graduate and have to find a real job. I spend most of my time up here working on school work, hangin’ with the fiancé, or going to Duck sporting events. Speaking of Duck sports, they are the most underrated football team in the nation… that is just a side note.
Since the end of camp, I went home for about a month. Home for me is 15 minutes north of San Francisco in a city called San Rafael. It literally takes me 10 minutes to drive to the Golden Gate Bridge when going into the city. At home I spent some quality time with my parents, helping my mom with house stuff and playing golf with my dad. Then Alyssa came out in mid-September, in which we had an engagement BBQ in honor of our engagement. It was great to see my family and friends, and helped the healing process of not being at camp.
Its funny that being 3000 miles away from camp, I’m still connected to camp almost every day. Seeing Alyssa doesn’t count because I see her every day! But for example, FRESHMAN GROUP LEADER KENZIE GAUTHIER lives in a house across the street from me! It is easy for us to hang out when it takes 15 seconds to walk to each other’s homes. Yesterday we took our monthly TCBY Canadensis run. Alyssa, Kenzie, and I go to TCBY, having yummy treats, and talk about life… which normally means camp. We would be talking and almost always, an old couple will look at us like we are crazy, which we are of course.
The TCBY runs aren’t the only camp connection in Eugene. I text MARSHALL WIENSTIEN every other day, just to talk camp, text my old roommate Handsome Rob, ROB McRAE, and I’ll see KELLY PRICE or NORA DRUTZ around campus. I even saw Nora at a Duck home football game. It instantly reminds me of all those camp memories. Also in late September, Oregon was blessed with a visit from LEVI SMATHERS, LUKE HOLTEN, and SAM LITTLE. They were on a cross country road trip. It was nice to see them and I enjoyed sharing those great memories.
Alyssa and I are doing great and I would like to announce that we have set a date! October 15, 2011. It is a long ways away, but we want to get settled, find “real” jobs before we get tie the knot. We both say hi to everyone in Canadensis blogging land. This site is definitely my favorite Homework distracter by far. Thanks Forti and J-Cal for letting me say hi. What up CIT’s 09 and future CIT’s 2010! And too all the 5 years in 2010!!! I don’t know how, but the summer of 2010 will be even greater than 2009!