Canadensis in Massachussets, On Air, and Everywhere!

The past few days have been super fun and packed full of Canadensis goodness!!  This weekend, a large crew of Canadensis folks headed up to Holyoke, Mass to celebrate the wedding of Alyssa and Mike.  They met at Canadensis more than 5 years ago, and have continued to return year after year.  They were both Head Counselors in 2011, and their time at camp was mentioned quite a bit throughout the ceremony and reception.  They are truly a perfect and loving couple, and I wish them all the best!

The day after the wedding, we moved our Camp Canadensis office to the WHYY Studios – which is the National Public Radio station in Philadelphia.  We were trained and oriented as volunteers for their fall membership pledge drive.  We sat and answered phones for more than 5 hours, and just like everything we do…we made it a lot of fun!  It was great to hear from people connected with Canadensis, most notably, our own Jason “JCal” Calabretta – his father Peter – and Brandon Starkman’s grandma!  In total, we took pledges that summed $3,693…and we enjoyed it so much that we might be back for a televised fundraiser in the future…stay tuned!

This upcoming weekend will also be packed with Canadensis goodness because we are hosting our Canteen on the Fly, ice cream get-togethers in a town near you!  However, we love when camp friends host their own reunions and tell us about them!  I got an amazing email and photo from a great camp mom recently that simply said “These three girls live each other so much and are the best of friends. Thought you might enjoy seeing a picture of them.”  I thought you might enjoy seeing the picture too, so check it out below!