Camp Directors Tour of Canadensis

Good Morning All from Canadensis! I have “made the move” and am now up here permanently along with Matt Unger making our final preparations for our first precamp group/CIT weekend on May 2.

I wanted to share with you what I did last Thursday. I had the unique opportunity of organizing a local camp tour with 5 camps who are all within the vicinity of Canadensis. About 10 of us met at Canadensis first (of course because Canadensis is the best, right?? hehe) and spent about an hour at each camp. I absolutely love spending a day with other camp directors for a number of reasons. We “talk camp” the WHOLE DAY and they don’t even roll their eyes at me because they understand and share the same passion for their camps! I have to be honest and say that the other camps were also beautiful. Each camp has their own unique special place, like we have our dining hall deck, amphitheatre, (now the new canteen!!), and lake front which is absolutely stunning, while other camps have a lookout where you can see mountains in the distance, etc. The benefit of seeing other camps is that you get ideas. From simple things like trash can placement (I know- exciting, right??) all the way to large scale buildings and how they are designed. We also talk about programming, safety procedures, etc.

In any event, walking around 5 camps all day is just energizing and exciting. Did I mention WALKING?? We WALKED 5 camps- no golf carts, no mules, just 24 inches (2 feet, haha) and yes I was tired when I returned home at 9PM that night. Saturday morning I went to visit one more camp in a different area of PA, which was also exciting and fun. But now, I am back “home” where I belong at Canadensis ready for an exciting upcoming season!

Below is a posting from one of the camp professionals on this tour with me (David Minkoff) who also happens to be an alumni! Enjoy.

“I had the opportunity to go up to Canadensis on that beautiful day last Thursday with a few other camp directors. I hadn’t been there since maybe 1990; definitely 1988, which was the dedication of the Alumni Pavilion. I couldn’t believe how much has changed, yet how much has stayed the same. What really floored me was the all the bunk pictures from 1980 on are still in the dining hall (some of the people I was with weren’t even born in the early ’80s). I hope to get back this summer for lunch if I can get a Saturday or Sunday off from Pinemere. I’ll definitely be there for the 2010 reunion!”

I can’t wait to see all of you real soon. If you have any questions or requests of pictures you would like to see specifically, email me at Thanks to Jaycal for providing great updates on his trip overseas!

Stay tuned to more posts from both me and Jaycal!
