Hello Camp Canadensis!
I am writing this blog on Tuesday, September 16, one month since the buses pulled out of our seven week summer home. Over the past few weeks, I have taken some time to reflect on the spectacular summer that was 2014. As I look through all of the photos, videos and Canadensis Today shows from our time together, I no doubt smile at all of the wonderful memories we created together. It makes me want to go back in time and do it all over again. If only that time machine at the bottom of the foam pit were real! Ha Ha!
Here are some of the moments I really loved from the summer.

Morning Line-Up continues to be one of my favorite times of the camp day. The spirit and energy is incredibly contagious. The dancing. The singing. It’s all just so good. In 2014, my favorite morning line-up song was Paramore’s “Ain’t It Fun.”

I loved our spirit days this summer like “Wear Your Clothes Backwards Day” or “Wear Your Pajamas All Day” (pictured here). Let us know about spirit days we can do next year in Summer 2015.

The Evening Activities and Special Events at camp this summer were awesome! A particular favorite of camp’s this year was “The Voice.” I know I had fun coaching my contestants. Congratulations to Junior Boy Jake Weiss (above) for winning this year’s competition.

Our surprise shaving cream and water fight was one of my favorite moments from the summer. We got super messy and loved every single minute of it!

I thought the CIT Boys Prom Proposal was one of the best I have ever seen in my time at Canadensis. Their a cappella routine was so amazing!

The Bunk-O Afternoon, which now seems to be a tradition in only it’s 2nd year, was so much fun! This year, we surprised camp with a Kona Ices truck. Even Pam got in on the serving action.

Joe “Smasher” Lea plays the role of my pregnant ex-girlfriend at Ms. Canadensis. During the final announcement of the pageant’s winners, he pretends that his water breaks! Just hysterical!

Zumba classes this year were awesome! Probably one of our most popular electives in 2014. Great job, Nicole! You were awesome!

It always makes me feel good when brothers and sisters find each other at Fruit on the Fly. I’m sure it makes the parents feel good, too.

Dean Krug? I was so blown away when I saw this picture as part of the Honor Roll Gold set. Thank you so much, Kate. This will now hang in my office for many years to come.

We had the largest number of CITs in the history of Camp Canadensis in Summer 2014. Fifty in total. And…

They were amazing! Thank you CITs 2014 for helping make the summer so terrific! We hope you remember this summer for the rest of your lives.
What also made it the best summer ever, for me and Jaime, was the arrival of our daughter Emerson Paige Krug on August 23. She weighed in at 8 pounds, 6 ounces. Emerson and mom have been doing well at home over the past few weeks and we can’t wait for everyone at camp to meet the newest Canadensis camper. She is looking forward to meeting all of her camp family. In the meantime, here are some pictures…

Emerson already in her Camp Canadensis blue and gold. Thanks to our good friend Rebecca Konstandt for her photo shoot with Emmy. You can check out Rebecca’s work at www.beccakayephotos.com.
Now that Summer 2014 is officially wrapped up, we start to look ahead for next year. With that, we hope that all of our campers will help us out and complete the Summer 2014 Camper Survey. We use this survey to help us with many of our plans and scheduling for next year. So, be sure to tell us what you loved about camp. Tell us what you think we can do better. Let us know some new ideas that we should be bringing to camp in Summer 2015, which will be camp’s 75th Anniversary Summer! The online survey can be found by clicking here.
And, even though summer is over and that our campers and many of our staff are back at school, we hope to see so many of you at one of our several off season events. In November, we will have our Canteen on the Fly ice cream events in Philly, New Jersey, Westchester County and Long Island. January will have us celebrating with our Annual Reunion. Then, there will be the Open House in late May up at camp. On top of all that, me, Eric, Pam, Cara and Matt will be on the road, meeting all of our camp families and staff throughout the year. We can’t wait to see as many of you as possible.
For those families that might be still interested in touring Canadensis for their child in Summer 2015. We have several Fall Tour days planned. They will be on September 21, October 26 and November 8. All tours are scheduled for 1 pm. If interested, please call our Winter office at 484.674.1941.
Finally, it was already great to see my inbox filled with a mini camp reunion. The Girls of Bunk 11 got together this past weekend in Long Island to celebrate the birthday of Jordyn Sherman with a sleepover party. Here is a pic…

Happy Birthday Jordyn Sherman. The Girls of Bunk 11 (Back Row from L to R): Bailey Germain, Julie Pulewitz, CIT Alyssa Kruman, Jordan Plant, Ilana Miller, Joey Dallow, Hannah Koenig, Jillian Wexler, Mackenzie Fuerth; (Front Row, from L to R): Rachel Stern and Birthday Girl Jordyn Sherman.
Well, that’s all of the blogging for now. More to come in the off season that lies ahead. How many days until Summer 2015? 283? Is it too early to start an official countdown?
Have a great day!