Hi everyone! I hope you all got a chance to take a look at the video blog in my previous post, it’s great fun! Rachel and I had such a good time recording it, and the weekend meeting was really an awesome time!

"Bunk" 216, temporary home of Rachel and Cara!
We had a huge camp staff dinner after a long day of talking about camp, and it was nice to laugh and unwind with camp friends! I had the most amazing butternut squash ravioli and Rachel’s mouth caught fire from her blackened chicken sandwich. We strolled back to the hotel, and then a few of us made a quick stop by the Applebaum house to visit with CITs ’07, Haley, and Kenzie (who flew in all the way from Oregon!!!). It was delightful, and they bought the most amazing cupcakes to share with us. Forti was really into the Reese’s cupcake! I tried the cookie dough cupcake and it was delish… who knew that was a cupcake?!?!

Showing off the treats!
So after our cupcake adventure we returned to the hotel and lounged around the lobby, telling stories and laughing until we were so tired we had to drag ourselves to bed! My phone alarm accidentally went off at 7am (oops!) and we laughed because I wake up to reveille every morning (just like we do at camp!) so it was very appropriate! I quickly turned it off and went back to sleep until 9, which is late for me!
When we woke up, Rachel and I used my computer to call former Evening Activities Director/CIT Counselor Gabe Vander Hey who is all the way in Mozambique, Africa! We talked to Gabe while we got ready for breakfast, said goodbye, and headed downstairs for a delicious morning meal! After that we were ready to head out to the reunion!
We arrived at the bowling alley and set up the balloons, rolled the posters, and got ready for all of you to arrive! The first campers to burst through the doors were Hallie Katz and Rachel Weltmann, two of my campers from my first summer at Canadensis! I was so excited to see these girls and I really can’t believe that this precious bunk of little ones are actually SENIOR campers! I may only be 22 years old, but I had one of those “I feel so old!” moments when they walked into the Senior Camp meeting.
It was so nice to see so many smiling faces, reminisce about fun camp memories, and get excited for the upcoming summer, which is only a few short months away!
So now I’m back in the office, back to calling counselors and planning my college road trip to go meet more staff! Special shout out to Max Blum who is an avid reader of this blog!
Things I Love Today:
Burt’s Bees Replenishing Lip Balm. It may only be chapstick, but it’s infused with pomegranate oil and is SO good for winter time chapped lips!
Currently Listening To:
“To The Beat of Our Noisy Hearts” – Matt Nathanson