Where in the World is Eric Forti: Part 2-Clue 3

Hope everyone back at home is enjoying all the snow! Here’s a clue for my next location. Click Here to View Eric’s newest clue! Remember to send your guesses to editor@canadensis.com.

We have already received several emails from campers and staff members with their guesses. Also, if you have any questions for Eric about his destinations or travels, please email them to editor@canadensis.com.

Where in the World is Eric Forti: Part 2-St. Petersburg

Hi Everyone!

While most of you are off enjoying your snow days back home, I”m very busy here in St. Petersburg. Sorry I haven’t been posting more to my blog, but things have been so busy! Let’s start with the flight over to St. Petersburg! On Thursday evening I boarded an Air France flight headed to Paris, France for a brief stopover. I slept about 2 hours total and arrived Friday morning in Paris. I treated myself to a chocolate croissant (pain au chocolate- in French) and immediately boarded my next flight for St. Petersburg, Russia. I arrived here to Russia on Friday afternoon in the freezing cold, with a little bit of snow coming down.

We were picked up and taken right to our hotel for a shower (remember it had been 2 days since I showered- too much info, sorry) so I enjoyed a long shower and then went to a welcome dinner. I should explain that when I travel on these staff recruiting trips, there are other camps from all across the USA travelling with me. CCUSA (Camp Counselors USA) organizes a big staff hiring fair in each city that we go to and we setup a table for a few hours and talk to possible staff. Here in Eastern Europe, I am recruiting for our support staff, which are our kitchen, laundry, and maintenance staff. Basically, all of the behind the scenes staff who work incredibly hard all summer to ensure camp runs smoothly!

So back to the welcome dinner- here in St. Petersburg there are 9 camps travelling with me, but we will increase in size as we travel to more cities. The food here is fairly diverse. We are always welcomed with tons of appetizers on the table. They range from smoked/cured deli meats to fresh fruit and vegetables to smoked fish (such as lox and sable) to bread, etc. I of course am not as adventurous as most when it comes to food and eat plainly with the bread and vegetables/fruit mainly. For entrée, we were served steak kabobs that were grilled right in front of us in an open pit. They were actually quite good!

After a long (3 hour) dinner, I went to bed to get some sleep because Saturday morning was our staff hiring fair! I had to be awake. Luckily, I did sleep roughly 7 hours which was good and then was greeted in the morning by Marina Skorokhodova (who worked in our kitchen last year and will be returning again) to help me recruit staff. 

We hired a few staff members who will be arriving in mid-May to assist with precamp and summer camp, so that was good. After the fair, we were taken for a walk along the main street in St. Petersburg. We saw many churches and palaces as well as walked through some shops (mainly to warm up!) After our walk, we had a late lunch at McDonald’s (which is always a sure bet) and then headed to the ballet. Now as in the past, I am not a huge fan of the ballet. OK, I am not a fan at all. However, being in Russia this is something special and should not be missed. We went to the Mariinsky Theatre (which is a very famous theatre here) and were seated in a box right on the front side, like royalty! Truly was special. I tried to videotape a tiny portion of the ballet for you, so click here for it!

Click here to View Ballet Video

Sunday morning, a tour was organized of the Yusupov Palace, which is one of 2,000 palaces in St. Petersburg. This palace was not destroyed during any of the wars here, as so many of the other palaces were, so everything was original and it was truly spectacular. The inlay wood floors, the silk wallpaper, beautiful ornate furniture, and the marble columns were absolutely breathtaking. We were guided through this huge palace for a 2 hour tour and it was fascinating. We saw the living quarters of the females, with a secret passage doorway that led to a private staircase directly to the mens room, and no I didn’t make that up! There was a private theatre that sat 200 within this palace as well as art gallery rooms, etc. The palace is absolutely stunning and was really enjoyable to see.

After the palace tour, we stopped for lunch at a restaurant called “Idiot”. It is national pancake week (I don’t really know why) and so we ordered pancakes! Their pancakes are more like crepes and I chose mine with shredded apples and caramel- YUM!!!! Sorry I didn’t take any pictures for you to see, but you wouldn’t be able to enjoy it fully anyway.

Tonight, we attended a special dinner in our honor with the Russian Camp Director’s Association. Basically, we sat with about 12 Russian camp directors. The challenging part was none of them spoke English, not even a word! Luckily, we had 3 staff from the CCUSA agency who translated all of the toasts and side conversations and it was really nice to meet other people who are in our professions. Camps in Russia are typically 3-week overnight camps, and most of the camps specialize in one activity. So, you go to 3 weeks for arts, or sports, or education, etc. unlike attending Canadensis, where you are exposed to a lot of different activities all summer long. We talked about the many challenges that we all face in the camping industry and ironically enough many of the challenges American camps face are similar to the Russian camps. This was definitely a highlight of the trip as it allowed me an opportunity to speak to other people doing the exact same thing as I do all year round!




Now it is about 11 PM. I forgot to mention that last night, I slept a total of 2.5 hours, mainly due to jetlag and partially due to hanging out with the other camp directors here for fun. So, I am absolutely exhausted and will hopefully go to bed early-ish tonight. Tomorrow I fly out to my next destination, which the clue is posted for. Continue the guesses and please stay tuned to my blog for more updates!

P.S. If anyone has any questions for me, feel free to email them to editor@canadensis.com so that I can answer them for you while I am overseas!

Where in the World is Eric Forti: Part 2-Clue 2

For those that guessed Paris, France as Eric’s first destination, you are correct! Eric is headed off to another destination, Clue 2 is listed below.

Clue 2: For this clue, I am headed to one of the coldest countries in the world (at least in my opinion!) At camp we have an extensive art center, run by our very own Art Director Keri. Well in this city there are a vast number of art museums. Perhaps the most famous and the largest of the museums is the Hermitage Museum, featuring interiors of the former imperial residence and a vast collection of art. Its collection of art is so large that it would take numerous years to view it in its entirety–at last count, there were nearly three million works on exhibit. Now just to confuse you, the Hotel I am staying in is called Hotel Moscow, but I am NOT headed to Moscow!

Where in the World is Eric Forti: Part 2-Clue 1

Hello All! I hope you are ready for Round 2 of Where in the World is Eric Forti?! My bags are (almost) packed and tomorrow I head out on another adventure. While I won’t be on nearly as many flights as last time, I will be visiting 6 different cities, so stay tuned to the blog for updates along the way. Thanks for being a loyal blog reader and for playing along. Remember, email your guesses to editor@canadensis.com.

Click here to view the first clue!

Where in the World is Eric Forti: Home!

Hi All,

Just a quick blog update to let you all know I made it home! After my journey from Hong Kong – Seoul – London – Atlanta – Philadelphia, I am finally home and on American soil! My TV system didn’t work from London to Atlanta, so it was 9 hours of boredom, but I made a friend with my seatmate, a 12-year old whose dad is a pilot for Delta and is an avation lover, as am I. We talked about all of the different airplane models, etc. I guess I am just craving summer and being back at camp! Someone else on my flight noticed my Camp Canadensis shirt and told me many of her friends children went to Canadensis in the 70s/80s. You truly never know who you will meet!

It is now 9:40PM and I will be landing in philly in about 15 minutes. Actually, they are announcing to turn off laptops, so off I go. Hope everyone enjoyed where in the world part 1 and stay tuned to part 2 coming next week. I also have a video from London that will be posted tomorrow.

Goodnight from my OWN BED IN PHILADELPHIA!

Where in the World is Eric Forti: London

Eric has arrived in London! He will be heading back to the United States tomorrow morning. This is the end of his Where in the World Trip: Part 1. This is not the end of Where in the World though, he will be leaving for his next trip next week! We will announce our winners in the upcoming days. We hope you enjoyed playing. Check back again soon for winners and details on Where in the World: Part 2.

Where in the World is Eric Forti: Stop-Over in Korea- self cleaning toilet??

Just when I thought I would have nothing else to blog about, OY VEY!

So I am in South Korea (again!) on a 6 hour layover. Last night, I left Hong Kong at 12:40AM and arrived here around 5 AM. With the time difference taken into account, I only slept 2 hours. So I am bored as could be sitting in the lounge. Actually, I am doing work on a Sunday at 5:30AM, but that’s irrelevant. I have to go to the bathroom, should be an easy task.

Walk into the bathroom stall (I will keep this clean, no worries) and the first toilet has a super fancy electronic remote attached to it. So I look at it closer and the first one says wash, then dry, then warm. So, I am thinking OK it will clean the toilet seat for me, then dry it, then warm it up. Cool. So I press wash and all of the sudden a jet SHOOTS WATER AT ME! It doesn’t just sprinkle a little. Nope, a jet pops out from the bowl and a STREAM OF WATER starts attacking me. Actually it had so much force, I think it was stronger than the white water rafting current we go to with camp! I am actually laughing out loud right now as I type this.

So I guess the purpose of these features is not to clean the seat, but to clean YOU. Luckily there were 2 other toilets to choose from, and they were normal, without these settings. Thanks for the offer to clean me, but no thanks. And I will leave that at that!

I am sitting here soaking wet and decided I MUST take a pic for all of you to see. So, there is a pic of the fancy toilet seat and then one of me in the mirror. See if you can tell my shirt is SOAKING WET. I am walking around the airport lounge with a wet stripe up and down my shirt and pants. How embarrassing.



P.S.- The toilet’s name is LooLoo. If I ever meet a Lulu again, I may look at her different from now on! Wish me better luck at my next destination…