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Up at Camp!

I am “burning the midnight oil” sitting in my office at camp. Matt Unger is in the Operations Office as well. It’s dark out (the area lights aren’t all on yet) and there are no basketballs banging into my office wall. I also don’t hear the CIT’s making phone calls home, the health center isn’t calling my desk to remind campers of bedtime meds, and the Upper Seniors aren’t outside walking back from the Senior Canteen! Can you tell I am feeling nostalgic and miss all of you? Head Chef David arrived at camp today and we just spent several hours talking about _____ (CAMP of course)! Additional kitchen staff arrive tomorrow and our first wave of precamp staff arrive Wednesday! Wow, where did the time go?

Camp itself looks great! We have been very busy with all of our winter projects and can’t wait to show them off to all of you. The paving project has been completed and the roads have never looked better! Might sound a little silly, but it’s definitely noticeable in front of the HQ and Dining Hall areas. Bob is putting the finishing touches on new landscaping to the right of the dining hall, leading down towards the amphitheater. Jimmy is finishing up the cabins in girls camp and they look awesome. Down by the lake, I just ordered 2 trucks full of sand! At the pool, the waterslides are in the process of being installed. Both blue and yellow tubes are up and we are just waiting for the stairs to get attached. Really, really impressive. A lot of our athletic courts and fields have been getting a facelift and we can’t wait for you to see it!

This weekend Carli turns 1! Can you believe it? Last summer she was carried all around camp…this summer she will be crawling through camp! It’s impossible to “baby proof” the amphitheatre steps, so we are going to rely on all of you to help Carli up and down the stairs this summer. Robin and I are so excited to reintroduce her to all of her brothers and sisters up here at camp.


Carli says hi!

Hope everyone is doing well and counting the days until camp…I know I am!


From a FRIGID 18325, Hi All! I spent all day today up at camp meeting with the new pool company, checking on the many projects going on around camp, and generally looking around.

Pool Update

The new blue pool is truly amazing. I hope you had a chance to watch the Canadensis Today Show (the episode before the Winter Reunion posted on in which we gave you a tour of the new pool. Well, it’s more like a stone pit right now, but it’s the site of the future pool! The exciting part about today was meeting with the pool company and “shaking hands” in agreement to our new SLIDES. It’s official…we will be installing one blue and one gold twisty, tube waterslides. They will be Dorney Park Style, not Snoopy land style Jaycal, but rather 2 big slides! I am sure they will bring new thrills to campers and staff members, but of course only after swim instruction:)

Otherwise, things look great around camp. Believe it or not, there is still no snow on the ground at camp and the lake is not even 100% frozen! The warmer conditions (although today was FREEEZZZING, especially with the wind chill), have allowed our dedicated and hard-working maintenance team to get tons of work done…and it allowed us to add more projects to their already long list! Next week, they will begin the fitness center project and of course Matt will provide us all with pictures on facebook and twitter in February.

Speaking of Matt, he kicks off our Where in the World series this year with his trip departing this Sunday. Stay tuned to Facebook for updates about his trip!

Then on Wednesday, a week from today, it’s my turn to travel, including a stop at “CampMinder Camp” in Colorado and a visit with none other than the Groundhog! I will of course update all of you via facebook as well.

Before heading to bed, a shoutout to all of our campers from Maryland and this fantastic news that this summer, there will be transportation from Maryland! In the past, our campers from this region had to travel up to the Philly suburbs to get to camp. Not any longer…we are excited to grow in this region and provide a bus for convenience from MARYLAND.

Reflections on Summer 2011

(Originally written in September 2011)

Dear Campers and Staff from Summer 2011,

Wow! What an awesome summer it was. I am sitting at my desk up at camp, 8:30PM on a Monday night in September, it is freezing outside (well in the 40’s), and camp is LONELY. Trust me, I love every minute being at camp, but it’s just not the same as when 700 people are running around!

In just 49 days, so many memories were formed for both campers, staff, and campers/staff together. I remember back to our week-long staff orientation with our annual Welcome Circle, The Amazing Race, the staff pool party, and much more. Then all of our campers arrived and I vividly remember the buses pulling up to the pavilion for lice checks and trying to “hold back” the staff from running up to our campers, past the skin diamond, with big hugs for all!

And how many times did the Junior boys try to hit me with a water balloon this summer all the way up to the CIT boys trying to get me into their baby pool! I can’t forget the 2 days I got to bond with the Freshman boys out of camp in Cooperstown, NY. Luckily, nobody got left behind at the West Point Military Academy and how about all of the boys trying to drive those go-karts and hitting the staff “accidentally”! On girls side, the senior girls invited me to play in games of BBK (which surprisingly I scored a homerun!) to hanging with girls camp during the all-camp swims on super hot days, I enjoyed getting to know all of our new campers and seeing our returners!

It would be remiss of me not to mention the Canadensis Today Show and all of the fun we had producing it. From picking a different menu reader each day to our wonderful C-Reporters, to the birthday patrol, campers were involved more than ever in what has become such a hit for our families and alumni back at home. Special thanks to all the staff who allowed us to come and interrupt your 1st period group and film on location, especially to Kate Mullen when we interrupted the dress rehearsal for Aladdin!

Don’t forget that there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes and there is one group of people that often do get forgotten about. Our support staff, consisting of 26 hard-working European college students are an essential part of camp life. After all, who would wash all of our clothes, feed us, keep us safe and secure, and pickup all of our trash! So, a special thanks goes to our fine group of young men and women for all they do (except when they decided to “steal” the Color War box!)

And to all of the campers and staff who helped shape Summer 2011 into what it was, thank you. Don’t forget that camp lives on throughout the winter and I personally can’t wait to see everyone at our Canteen on the Fly’s, our Winter Reunion, charity events, sporting events, home visits, and all of our other fun get togethers! Keep in touch and let us know what you are all up to! Most importantly, we’ll see you right back here for Summer 2012!