It was the weekend we’ve all been waiting for! Head Counselors Mike and Alyssa are FINALLY married! It was an absolutely wonderful weekend filled with the most amazing friends, and we were all so happy to see Mike and Alyssa officially become Husband and Wife. There’s SO much I could write about the wedding and so many great stories to tell, but instead I’ll do as I always do and let the pictures say 1,000 words!

Myself, Kelly, and Dani getting ready and being silly!

Jake, Dani, and Danielle ready for the ceremony!

Erica, Dani, Danielle, Kelly, and Sara dressed alike

JCal filming a bit for Canadensis Today!

Dani, Me, Sara, and Danielle pause for a family pic 🙂

Alex and Kenzie made beautiful bridesmaids!

Alyssa was a beautiful Bride!!!

The most wonderful friends!

After hours of dancing, we were exhausted!
These are only a few of the 600+ photos I took this weekend (yea, we got a little bit carried away!), but you can tell an amazing time was had by all. We danced late into the night until the DJ finally played the infamous “Hey Hey Goodbye”. Even though it was well into the wee hours of the morning, we couldn’t bear to be separated yet; everyone returned to the same hotel to sit and talk and catch up. When we were finally falling asleep in our seats, we all hopped cabs or in cars and made the journey to our hotels. The next morning we met for some brunch before hopping planes or trains or loading up cars for long road trips home…

Me, Phoebe, Becky, and Erica love brunch!

Kenzie, Pete, and Kelly are sleepy, but it was totally worth it!
It was the most magical weekend with some of my favorite people! A huge CONGRATULATIONS to Mike and Alyssa- I know your life together is going to be beautiful, and I’m so glad we are all a part of this big, loving, hilarious, crazy, silly, beautiful camp family 🙂