Hi Camp Friends! It’s been an eventful couple of weeks since I moved out of my camp cabin and back to the real world.
The last few days of post-camp were so much fun for us all. There was only a small group of us left at camp, but we managed to get lots done during the day, and spend time together at night. Karen Sharir, Lauren Berry, and Kaelah Gasperotti all moved into the health center, so it was great to have the girls living just a short skip away from me. We spent lots of time in the Staff Lounge and Karen mastered the art of sleeping in a hammock on the health center porch. It was so hard to pack my bags and say goodbye, but I knew that everyone would be at my house later that week for their day off!
Everyone arrived at my house later in the evening, after a long day of work up at camp, and I was so relieved to see my camp friends again! We ordered pizza, talked about camp (what else is there?!) and chatted on skype with more camp friends. The next morning we made a crazy breakfast spread (Kudos to Levi, who made everyone’s individual egg orders) and spent some time shopping around town, and hanging out by the pool.
The highlight of my post-camp experience came during Indian Summer Weekend, when camp was host to families and friends, as they experienced a Canadensis weekend. Karen and I were able to take two kayaks (one blue and one gold) out on the lake. We paddled out to the middle of the lake, crossed paddles, and let ourselves float around the lake under the sun. It was the perfect setting to lie back and do nothing but talk and recount a summer full of memories. I am so excited that Karen will be home in PA this year, so I’ll get to see her more often!
After Indian Summer I was officially moved out of my cabin for good. It took me a few days to do all my camp laundry and get settled back in at home. I spent most of my first week off with my sister, Dani Corradetti, and we made sure to have lunch with counselors Dani Cook and Rebecca Waxman as soon as possible. We tried the new pizzas at the California Pizza Kitchen and they were amazing!
Last week I got to see counselors Chris Parno and Ethan Cohen, along with counselor captain Steve Scott. The boys, who make up “The Spelling Tree”, got together to record their EP which will be debuting soon! The studio is around the corner from my house (and run by Greg, one of my high school friends, and the newest bandmate!) so I was able to drop by Saturday night , and I even got to sing along on one of the tracks! The next morning I went back over, with Dani in tow, and we sang a bit more for the group vocals. I’ll be posting plenty of pics and video as soon as the release date is closer!

In the Stuido with The Spelling Tree
Now that I’m finally all settled in, I’m here in our NEW winter office, getting ready for those brutal 10 months in which all the planning happens. Soon enough I’ll be talking to counselors, planning special days, and listening to Eric Forti “sing” along to B101. Right now things are very quiet, but I know that won’t last for long! I hope everyone is surviving the school year, urged on by the fact that camp gets closer every single day!
I miss all of you so much!
PS: Favorite Post-Camp Quote:
“This is what camp does to me. I looked at that, and the first thing that came to mind was ‘Why is Lobster all alone? No Friends, No Friends’… ugh!”
~Lobster Lovin’ Levi

Karen Sharir will be Lobster's Friend