This Is Not Over Yet!

First off, way to go Phillies!

I really liked Brian’s idea to use a song title in each of his posts last month, so in keeping with the trend, I will use the title of a Musical Theatre Showtune in the title of each of my posts all month! If you can tell me what show they’re from, I’ll let you post a shout out to your camp friends in my next post! Today’s musical theatre showtune title is in keeping with the theme of the World Series… GO PHILLY!

Happy November camp friends! I do love the fall, and today is the perfect fall day! I hope most of you are enjoying the day off of school; two Canadensis regulars even spent some time visiting the office today!

Can you tell which sister's in the photo?

Can you tell which sister's in the photo?

It’s always nice to see camp friends outside of camp, and I was especially excited to see CJ and Mel today! We spent some time catching up, and the girls showed me a few funny Sukonik family photos, including an original camp photo from CJ’s first camp picture day! We had a lovely lunch at Redstone and it hardly even felt like a day at the office with all the fun we were having!

I’ll be spending the rest of today and tomorrow interviewing some new staff applicants who have applied to camp recently, as well as working on the staff hiring college tour that we’ll begin next February! We are going to some great new locations this year, and I’m so excited to meet new people and hire some more amazing new staff.

The Glee Soundtrack debuts today! Anyone else so excited?!

Raining and Pouring

Hi Everyone! The weather has been especially rainy today, and Saturday was really stormy as well.  I’m hoping it will let up soon, as I am NOT a big fan of  this weather. Over the weekend Dani and I went on an adventure in the crazy rainstorm to make our way to dinner with Rebecca Waxman (I bet you knew that was coming!) and Karen Sharir! We had a lovely dinner at (another typical response) The Cheesecake Factory and did lots of  “Shopping”… I put shopping in quotations because we didn’t really buy too much, we just walked in and out of our favorite stores while catching up and talking about our favorite topic… camp! We shared a delicious guacamole appetizer, which made me miss Erica Carey, who is currently abroad in Europe, because she always gets Guac with us when we have Cheesecake dinners. We miss you Erica!

In other news, I was 110% excited for last night’s episode of Greek. I never used to be a huge television fan, but now when I come home from work, and after I do all the other crazy work I have to do at home, I really look forward to that 9 o’clock hour when I can snuggle up with my puppy, Leopold, and watch some exaggerated teen drama. I must admit, Monday nights tend to be hectic for me, as Greek and Gossip Girl are on AT THE SAME TIME! I usually have to choose which one I’m more eager to watch (this week, Greek won) and I tape the other on the DVD recorder. On Wednesdays I look forward to Glee, and when January rolls around I will be utterly obsessed with watching LOST (Shout out to JCal!). So for those of you out there who watch Gossip Girl and/or Greek, what did you think of last night? And for everyone out there, what shows do you look forward to every week?

Well, it’s been busy in the office this week, with contracts starting to go out for 2010 Counselors, beginning to plan our cross-country college tour, and all the other business as usual, this office has been working hard. I hope everyone had a chance to fill out the camper survey we sent out last month, because we’re using those results to make summer 2010 the best one yet! If you still haven’t filled it out, feel free to email us for the link!

Alright, that’s all for now. I’ll leave you with a picture of my favorite television snuggle buddy, Mr. Leopold Corradetti.

Leo is the most adorable puppy!

Leo is the most adorable puppy!

A Weekend Trip

Hi Everyone! This weekend I took a trip up to Boston to see my sorority sisters and have some fun touring around the city. I had such an amazing time, and I even got to spend the afternoon with Rachel Waxman, and she took me to some awesome shops! It was supposed to rain, but we got very lucky and the sun stayed out to play all weekend.

It’s been very quiet around the office… literally! We all sit farther apart than we did in the old winter office, there’s been a lot less of my listening to Forti sing his B101 classics. I went on an adventure to find our new post office, and although it’s not within walking distance like the old one, it’s a lot bigger and I’ve already made friends with two of the employees.

That’s really all for now… camp gets closer every day!

"It's Friday – I'm in Love!" ~Becky J

Everyone loves a Friday!

Even with the rain, today has already been a fun, campy, day! I woke up a little late this morning and rushed out of my house to make it to the office on time! While I was on my way here I got a call from Liz Tarnoff and we talked until I arrived at the office. Liz and I have a way of making each other laugh, either with our crazy stories or inside jokes, that never fails to make my day.  I can’t wait for her to come home for Winter Break!

Matt deals with some serious Winter Office business!

Matt deals with some serious Winter Office business!

I also got to talk to Rebecca “Becky J” Jacobson last night. My blog entry is a stolen line from her facebook status today! I agree Becky J, Friday is the best day!

Back in Business


It is officially my favorite part of the off season! Staff from summer 2009 are starting to call the office and say “YES! I would love to come back for another great season!!!”. These calls make my day in a big way. Once we have an idea of who is coming back, we get to begin interviewing and hiring new counselors. I love getting to interview new staff. It’s so much fun to tell them about Canadensis, and get to hear about all of their hobbies, interests, and most importantly, why they want to work at camp! Eventually I will hit the road early next year for another hiring road trip, another highlight of my off-season.

Today has been eventful, everyone is all abuzz with talk of next summer. Eric Forti is especially excited that his favorite “popchips” arrived in the mail.  It’s also been a very campy week. Over the weekend I was with my mom and sister (counselor Dani Corradetti) getting some Ice Cream, and I saw the Rapoport family!

Dani and I also enjoyed our usual lunch date with Rebecca Waxman and Jess Cook. We enjoyed a delightful cheesecake factory lunch, and spent the rest of the day shopping for anything and everything we could imagine. After we were totally exhausted from the mall, we all returned to the Waxman-Cook house, got to see Rachael Hannah Cook, and meet their new PUPPIES! We had so much fun watching them play, and trample all over each other. One day they will be big enough for Rachael to put a saddle on them and go riding. After putting on a brief fashion show for Mommy Beth Cook, Dani and I hopped back in the car and headed home.

I also met the fabulous Captain Karen Sharir for a coffee date in Plymouth Meeting! I was going through some serious Karen withdraw, especially after living together so closely during precamp, and it was so good to laugh about the summer and make plans to get together during the year.

I’m sure most of you who know me know that the only other thing I love as much as camp is my sorority, so a special congratulations to all of our counselors who made it through recruitment and are new members of their organizations, especially Miss Danielle Cook, who called me every day to tell me about recruitment and let me live vicariously through her fun. She and I also spent some time shopping together, online of course, since she is in Rhode Island. We bought matching tote bags! We’re also planning to spend Thanksgiving break making sorority crafts, watching movies, and learning to make SUSHI! More on that in a later blog, for sure!

Anways, I have big plans this weekend to do some major fall cleaning. Twice a year my mom and sister and I go through our closets and put together a few donation bags. Out with the old, in with the new, and all for a good cause. So I’ll be up to my ears in clothing all weekend, but I love that feeling on Sunday afternoon when we all feel so accomplished and ready for winter’s arrival. I might even drive up to camp for a bit to make sure my cabin is ready for winter, and bring home anything I might have left behind. If I do, pictures will definitely follow!

As much as I love the summer, I am really looking forward to the arrival of the chilly weather. I have a serious love for winter boots, especially my cushy uggs… I’m really a Vermonter at heart!



PS: To all the Gossip Girl, Greek, and Glee lovers out there, this is sure to be an awesome week of television!

Finally Friday!

What a crazy week it’s been! Moving into the new Winter Office has been a fun and exciting experience for all of us. It’s so strange to start working on winter tasks again, but it’s SO exciting to start thinking about summer 2010!

I was going through the entire collection of photos from the summer, and I wanted to post a few of my favorite summer moments on the blog:


Fun between activities!

Julie, Britt, and Ruth - We had so much fun in the office!

Julie, Britt, and Ruth - We had so much fun in the office!

We had so much fun this summer!

This is one of my favorites!

Carnival with Jess and Jacki

Carnival with Jess and Jacki

Kahane in a Sister Sandwich

Kahane in a Sister Sandwich

JCal and I clearly producing a Camp Movie of Sorts

JCal and I clearly producing a Camp Movie of Sorts

I Love Alyssa!

I Love Alyssa!

Sammy and I dancing, Rak Dan style!

Sammy and I dancing, Rak Dan style!

Getting ready for picture day!

Getting ready for picture day!

We Love Canteen!

We Love Canteen!

Girls Bunk 6, '06, needs to stop getting so old!

Girls Bunk 6, '06, needs to stop getting so old!

Nights off in the HQ with some of my favorites :)

Nights off in the HQ with some of my favorites 🙂

Being silly, as usual!

Being silly, as usual!

I Love when Kyle Visits!

I Love when Kyle Visits!

So there you have it! I hope everyone is excited for the arrival of October… that means we’re another month closer to camp!!!

Why is Lobster All Alone?

Hi Camp Friends! It’s been an eventful couple of weeks since I moved out of my camp cabin and back to the real world.

The last few days of post-camp were so much fun for us all. There was only a small group of us left at camp, but we managed to get lots done during the day, and spend time together at night. Karen Sharir, Lauren Berry, and Kaelah Gasperotti all moved into the health center, so it was great to have the girls living just a short skip away from me. We spent lots of time in the Staff Lounge and Karen mastered the art of sleeping in a hammock on the health center porch. It was so hard to pack my bags and say goodbye, but I knew that everyone would be at my house later that week for their day off!

Everyone arrived at my house later in the evening, after a long day of work up at camp, and I was so relieved to see my camp friends again! We ordered pizza, talked about camp (what else is there?!) and chatted on skype with more camp friends. The next morning we made a crazy breakfast spread (Kudos to Levi, who made everyone’s individual egg orders) and spent some time shopping around town, and hanging out by the pool.

The highlight of my post-camp experience came during Indian Summer Weekend, when camp was host to families and friends, as they experienced a Canadensis weekend. Karen and I were able to take two kayaks (one blue and one gold) out on the lake. We paddled out to the middle of the lake, crossed paddles, and let ourselves float around the lake under the sun. It was the perfect setting to lie back and do nothing but talk and recount a summer full of memories. I am so excited that Karen will be home in PA this year, so I’ll get to see her more often!

After Indian Summer I was officially moved out of my cabin for good. It took me a few days to do all my camp laundry and get settled back in at home.  I spent most of my first week off with my sister, Dani Corradetti, and we made sure to have lunch with counselors Dani Cook and Rebecca Waxman as soon as possible. We tried the new pizzas at the California Pizza Kitchen and they were amazing!

Last week I got to see counselors Chris Parno and Ethan Cohen, along with counselor captain Steve Scott. The boys, who make up “The Spelling Tree”, got together to record their EP which will be debuting soon! The studio is around the corner from my house (and run by Greg, one of my high school friends, and the newest bandmate!) so I was able to drop by Saturday night , and I even got to sing along on one of the tracks! The next morning I went back over, with Dani in tow, and we sang a bit more for the group vocals. I’ll be posting plenty of pics and video as soon as the release date is closer!

In the Stuido with The Spelling Tree

In the Stuido with The Spelling Tree

Now that I’m finally all settled in, I’m here in our NEW winter office, getting ready for those brutal 10 months in which all the planning happens. Soon enough I’ll be talking to counselors, planning special days, and listening to Eric Forti “sing” along to B101. Right now things are very quiet, but I know that won’t last for long! I hope everyone is surviving the school year, urged on by the fact that camp gets closer every single day!

I miss all of you so much!


PS: Favorite Post-Camp Quote:

“This is what camp does to me. I looked at that, and the first thing that came to mind was ‘Why is Lobster all alone? No Friends, No Friends’… ugh!”
~Lobster Lovin’ Levi

Karen Sharir will be Lobster's Friend

Karen Sharir will be Lobster's Friend

Happy Birthday Brian!

Hi camp families!

I cannot believe how quickly the summer went by and that I’m back here blogging once again! Post Camp has been rainy and cold the last few days, very appropriate for the gloomy feeling of missing you all. The only upside is that there are still some great staff members here, and we’ve been having a lot of fun hanging out once the day’s work is done.

Yesterday was Brian Krug’s birthday! On Thursday night I got a group of friends together (Karen, Kaelah, Levi, and Lauren) and we decided to make an “Ace of Cakes” style cake for Brian’s birthday extravaganza! We planned to meet around 7pm in the bakery part of the kitchen, and I printed off a picture of our cake “inspiration”.

At one point during our cake construction, Brian was headed towards the dining hall to get some ice from the freezer! Eric and Matt called me on the kitchen phone just in time for us to shut all the lights off and hide in the kitchen! It was a close call, but Brian came and went and never caught us!

Here are some pictures of our Ace of Cakes night:

Karen and Kaelah make chocolate icing...

Karen and Kaelah make chocolate icing...

Lauren Berry wonders how to make Blue icing...

Lauren Berry wonders how to make Blue icing...

Making colored icing is hard work!

Making colored icing is hard work!

Karen spreads icing to hold the layers together.

Karen spreads icing to hold the layers together.

Kaelah and I get ready to build the cabins...

Kaelah and I get ready to build the cabins...

Lauren's recipe for Blue icing: Yellow+Green... wait...!

Lauren's recipe for Blue icing: Yellow+Green... wait...!

I place the cabins on very carefully!

I place the cabins on very carefully!

With our finished product!

With our finished product!

Camp Brian

Camp Brian

Pretty cool, huh?! We were pretty proud of our work, and Brian was really surprised! I think the coolest part of the cake was when we actually lit the little rope above the campfire to be the birthday candle! The rope broke and we all cheered! Hahaha, only at Camp…

…so I hope everyone is wishing for the next 300 days to fly by so we can be together again, I know I am. I’ll keep you all updated as new and exciting things happen here at Canadensis!